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    Interpreting & Hearing

General E­nquiry

General E­nquiry

Here’s how we can help you access interpreting and hearing services.

Interpreting Services

There are two ways to talk to us using an interpreting service.

Call Us
We can arrange an interpreter for you when you call us.

Contact Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National operated by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
They are available 24/7 and their interpreters speak over 150 languages. They’re available over the phone, video remote and on-site. Book an appointment with TIS on their website or call them on 131 450 (within Australia) / +61 3 9268 8332 (outside Australia).

Hearing Service

Contact National Relay Service

The National Relay Service is a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. You may call them on these options:

Voice Relay Number
 1300 555 727

TTY (Teletypewriter) or voice calls
 133 677

SMS Relay
 0423 677 767

Other Hearing Services

Better Hearing Australia

Better Hearing Australia is an independent hearing advocacy and consumer advice organisation in Australia. They have branches Australia wide to provide support to people affected by hearing loss.
Call 1300 242 842 or visit their website

Australian Hearing

Australian Hearing is a hearing specialist and provider of government funded hearing services. They provide hearing services to people eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
Call 1300 412 512 or visit their website